
Feb 28, 2008

I Love to Collect...

I'm a glassware junkie... this I know about myself. Dishes, china, stemware... I love it all! But my real addiction is Depression Glass (hmmm... and Carnival Glass leads a close second).

My parents used to take me antiquing with them all the time when I was growing up... they're glass junkies, too. My Mom & Dad gave me my first piece of depression glass when I was 16 or so... I still have it. Purple of all colors....but I loved it.

When I finally got around to my dining room remodel, I discovered Ebay...BIG.MISTAKE. I also discovered that although I live in what is considered a "rural area", (that's what FedEx says, at least... no Saturday delivery and such) and REAL antique stores are far and few between, this wonderful Ebay place was willing to deliver the goods right to my door- Whoo HOO. Like I said BIG. MISTAKE.

This is ONE side of the wall... the other side has 3 more shelves... and lots more pink & green (I like that better now, rather than purple). And my dining room table?

I REALLY like it! So what do you collect?

Feb 27, 2008

French Postcards

I bought these postcard images a few weeks back when I was trying to come up with a new project for my office. I just love the handwriting and the different ink colors (beats the heck out of your standard Bic!).

Instead of my office (for now) I think they'd be perfect in the "re-purposed" frames I painted last week and placed with the wine label frames I just finished. Of course, I had to do SOMETHING for me... so I made a collage of all of them and framed it for my office. Now I just need to find a spot for it!

Feb 26, 2008

Finished Wine Labels

Here's a picture (albeit, a somewhat fuzzy one) of two of the frames I've finished so far. It's hard to tell, but they turned out pretty cool. I can't wait to put them up here and see what a difference it will make in all the "white space". I've also found a few baskets (go figure) that I could re-purpose with a little black spray paint to tie everything together.

When I painted the small alcove around the front window, I went with the same blue that I used on the opposite wall in the great room. Now I'm thinking a nice soft yellow.... candlestick lamp with red shade.... black accents to match the marble counters... a little "bistro feel", maybe.

I also found some way cool upholstery fabric (at WalMart of all places) with a cream background and a tan stripe... just $3.77 a yard! I'll use this for new cushions on 2 of the small occasional chairs in the great room. Right now they're sporting a lovely BROCADE fish scene... err, not quite me. Can't wait to finish that little project!
I just finished the fronts for our annual Easter Egg Hunt invites- hard to believe it's less than a month away! I'd better get my PAAS kit and basket stuff... as a matter of fact, I think I STILL have remnants of that oh-so-wonderful fake grass stuff embedded in the nooks and crannies of the boys' rooms. Something about that stuff makes it almost impossible to get rid of! Maybe this year we'll forgo the grass... that sounds like a plan.

Feb 23, 2008

View From Corolla

As many of you may not be aware... my family and I are extremely fortunate to live on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. My best friend (and Man of My Dreams) owns a house on the soundfront in Corolla, and we are regularly treated to some of the best views around.

Spring is almost here... and so is the season for the "visitors". We try and take advantage now of the quiet beaches, deserted streets, and the calm peacefulness that will be gone only too soon. We owe our livelihood to those that choose to vacation here... and we thank you all...but it sure is nice to have the place to ourselves for a little while longer.

If your next vacation brings you here, to you and yours we say "Welcome"... we hope you enjoy your stay!

Feb 22, 2008

I'll Show You Mine... If You Show Me Yours...

After yesterday's post, I got kinda' curious to know what other people's home offices look like. I need some inspiration here, so send me your ideas. And what does everyone else do with the massive tangle of wires you're stuck with between the computer, printer, scanner....on and on?

Maybe it's just my mother and I... but I have a real issue with cords of any kind being visible. Call me nuts, but I will go to great lengths to hide them behind/beneath anything close by just so I don't see black cords everywhere (and, no... white ones aren't any better!). Perfect example... one year I bought this really pretty Christmas wall hanging and I thought it was so cool because it came with a small string of Christmas lights that you inserted from behind into already cut holes so that it lit up. Unfortunately, the cord hung down about a foot and a half past the bottom to the plug below. Drove me NUTS every time I looked at it. And it was in my hallway, so I couldn't jam anything in front of the cord to hide it or we'd be tripping all over the place.

I ended up taking the lights out and just using it as a plain wall hanging... my sister cracks up every time she sees the one at my Mom's house (beautifully displayed with the cord hidden BEHIND her Christmas village) -nothing like paying twice what you normally would for something you don't use to being with!

I know... NUTS! So what's in your office?

Feb 21, 2008

Getting It Together...

I'm in the process of making a major "life change" on the employment scene in the next few weeks (but we can talk about that later, once the details have been finalized!). In the mean time I have been getting pretty stoked about the possibilities the future may bring for me (and my kids) and as a result the pressure has been on to get my home office in order.

My "office" is "home" to my sewing machine; fragrances, ingredients & molds (by the boat load!) for the soap I make; labels, paper products & packaging like you can't imagine; and my desktop computer (with very little desk to work on!). Oh.... and about 25 baskets of various types, sizes & designs hanging on the walls... I LOVE baskets for some reason. Especially old ones. But I digress..

What I NEED is office-stuff, like a real file cabinet to keep things organized (as opposed to the large basket I'm currently using for files); space designated for a little more hardware that's needed; better lighting... the list goes on. And while I'm excited at the prospect of getting it together, I can't stand the thought of my home office not looking like the rest of my home... ya' know?

Even at my real job, my desk area has baskets on top of my credenza, a really nice desk lamp, wicker in/out boxes.... just stuff I need in a shape or style I like. I'm trying to reconstruct my office at home into something practical yet eye appealing to me.

I found these on-line (check in out here and thought they were perfect. Practical but pretty (I know, how girly!). But this way if it takes me a while to save up for the actual file cabinet, at least I can leave these out without having to look at the good ole' manila files & folders. MUCH better!

Feb 20, 2008

Indulgent Giveaway...Week 2

Okay, you lurkers, I know you're out there! Be one of the first 5 (I'm slowly, realistically, lowering my expectations...) to post a comment and receive a little something just for you (or someone you care about). Cone incense (a dozen total) in a cream pillow box and they smell wonderful. I light one in my bedroom each night when I get home from work just to do something nice for myself. So do something nice just for you & leave me a comment! (bad photo, I know... I'll try again later)

After dinner last night, I finished the first four of the wine label frames. They turned out really well so I think I'll make a few more in various sizes. I had a couple of cheap Dollar Store frames that were white with a gold trim, so I grabbed my black spray paint and went to work. I was surprised at how well those turned out too. Can't wait to set everything up this weekend... I'll keep you posted!

Feb 19, 2008

Kitchen Craft Project

It's hard to believe that February is almost over... in another couple of months it will be Memorial Day and the start of another rental season here, on the Outer Banks. May is also when the house in Corolla becomes a "rental house" once again, and will remain so until the fall.

Over the winter we've been working on the interior of the house... nothing major at this point, but some interior painting in the bedrooms and bathrooms, new bedding & window treatments and accessories to make things feel a little more "plush" and not so stark!

The master bedroom and bath are done now, and I'm moving onto the kitchen.

This is the "before".... not at all me. Too white and no personality. Definately needs some fixin' up! I've already replaced the two bar stools shown with a couple in a dark, almost black, wood that have tall backs and are much more comfortable. And what a difference that made... the dark color of the wood really brings out the contrast in the wood trim, white cabinets and dark (but beautiful) marble counters. I've also painted the small alcove where the arched window faces the street in a light blue to match the opposite wall in the great room and now I'm moving up-above the cabinets that is! All those white walls and white cabinets is just too much- I need something to bring the eye down a little.

As well as the dark stools worked out, I'm thinking of framing some vintage/various wine labels and putting them above the cabinets to break up the mototony a little bit. I've scanned a few already and bought some black wooden frames yesterday. I'll finish everything up this week and post some "after" shots after this weekend.

I think it should turn out pretty cool, don't you?

Feb 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope you all have a wonderful day.... and enjoy it with all the ones you love!

Feb 9, 2008

Indulgent Giveaway- Week 1

In addition to my "real job", I do a lot of side work to make ends meet (single Mom, $20,000 owed to me in back child support, and all that) and thought maybe I'd give a whirl to giving away some of the stuff I do on the side. Heck, if ya' like it... just let me know. Word of mouth can do wonders.
So, each Sunday for the next month or so we'll have an Indulgent giveaway.... something you normally would not buy for yourself, but might like to have anyway. Maybe you're a single Mom out there yourself and can't afford to pamper yourself, but surely deserve it (all the more!). Maybe you know someone who needs a "little something" to brighten their day...whatever.
Just be one of the first six people to leave a comment (six is my lucky number, and therefore should be yours as well) and I'll send you one of my Ocean Breeze Linen Sprays. I make them in a variety of fragrances, but this is one of the best. Nice and clean without being sweet. Spray it on your pillows before you go to bed, or around the house whenever you like. You'd be amazed at the difference it can make.

Attractively packaged in a 4 oz. aluminum spray bottle, it's yours just for leaving a comment. Just make sure to leave your name and mailing address. And check back each week... there will be something new to indulge in just for yourself!

Feb 8, 2008

Understanding the logic of a 12 year old's mind...

Me: "did you call Patrick?"
12 yo: "yeah...but he didn't answer"
"do they have an answering machine?"
"Did you leave a message?"
"Well, why not?"

"Mom- if they're not answering their phone, how will they know I'm trying to call?"


To all of the sixth grade teachers in Dare County..... Please send me your wisdom! How else would you have taught this boy of mine (who makes the Honor Roll every grading period...). Apparently I am lacking something... And please be quick- I have another one thirteen months behind this one!

Feb 6, 2008

View From Our Deck

I thought I'd share this picture I took off the back deck to our house in Corolla. It's just shy of a few minutes past sunset and the sky looked awesome. Unless it's cloudy/overcast in the afternoon, the sunset is totally amazing every day. I won't tell you how many pics I've taken in the past, but I will say they are all different but equally beautiful.

Specifically, the view is of the Currituck Sound; Monteray Shores, Corolla. That's the Outer Banks for those not in the know. About a mile or so up the road is the Currituck Beach Lighthouse (another awesome sight) and the historic Whalehead Club. I'll have to share some photos of those with you soon.

I took this one about two minutes later...evidence of what a mere 60 seconds can do. Gotta' be quick around here! Of course if my 10 year-old had the camera, we'd be looking at pictures of "three toed deer tracks" or something else he's convinced is out there. Or maybe the fox that chased him a couple of weeks ago... I think that's the only time I've ever seen him run away from an animal. Scared him half to death and he's still talking about it!

" Better days ahead".... no they're not comatose (although they look like it!). It must be the sheer exhaustion of rowing around in 2 feet of water.

Feb 1, 2008

The Start of the Living Room

It's hard to believe it's February already-I'm still trying to figure out where January went, so if you see it out there, let me know. I have some "unfinished business" I left hanging around!

When the holidays are over and spring is still a few months off, I start gettin' antsy to start a new project. I find myself walking through the rooms in my house, plotting out what I can do, more importantly what I can afford, and how much time all these little projects will take. Unfortunately, the timing thing gets me every time!

"Hmmm. what about repainting the living room... couldn't take more than a weekend. What is it? A little tape, a little paint and I'm done". The reality check always comes MUCH later.

Reality #1- the "special painters' tape" you just blew $10 on WILL NOT STICK to baseboards that have not seen the light of day in months (and months). You will have to CLEAN the room first. This bothers me on many levels. I tend to make a huge mess during any project I take on (big or small) and cleaning something that I know will only get even messier later, bugs me.

Reality #2- Rooms with an 8 foot ceiling are much easier (and quicker) to paint than, say, rooms with 10 foot celings. Hey, lets factor in that a person who is deathly afraid of heights will take MUCH longer to paint said walls when trying to balance on a rickety ladder that should have been tossed out a while ago. Enter Son1 and Son2..."Mom.... why are your legs shaking? Do ya want ME to hold the latter?" Always answer this question with a polite "no" while quickly descending the ladder.

Reality #3- When a fresh coat of paint on your walls looks great.... your ceiling will look pitiful (see Reality #2)... now add a skylight and vaulted ceilings.....can you say "hire a professional?"

Guest what? Now it's Monday- back to work. Reality #4- one weekend will turn into one month (or more). I probably STILL won't be done.

I'm okay with the room at this angle. You can't see the dust or dirt on the baseboards. Shoot, the walls even look clean. Reality #5- they're NOT. I could even say that the upper right hand corner looks that way because of the light in the room. It's NOT. It is an accumulation of many things that a little soap & water would greatly help....except for that whole height thing!

I'm okay from this end too, except- hmmm, what was I thinking with that one wall? Even painted the door AND air returns to match! I'm thinking that one wall is a weekend unto itself- kilz anyone?

But this is my favorite.... this is the only wall in my entire house that has absolutely NOTHING on it-Why is that? I'm not sure. What makes it all the more special? It's the first thing you see when you walk in my front door. I'm sure my friends and neighbors are overwhelmed with my creative design work- they'll be clammoring for me to come and decorate their homes any day now!

And you? What projects will you start... and not finish this weekend? I'm right there with ya'.