
Feb 28, 2008

I Love to Collect...

I'm a glassware junkie... this I know about myself. Dishes, china, stemware... I love it all! But my real addiction is Depression Glass (hmmm... and Carnival Glass leads a close second).

My parents used to take me antiquing with them all the time when I was growing up... they're glass junkies, too. My Mom & Dad gave me my first piece of depression glass when I was 16 or so... I still have it. Purple of all colors....but I loved it.

When I finally got around to my dining room remodel, I discovered Ebay...BIG.MISTAKE. I also discovered that although I live in what is considered a "rural area", (that's what FedEx says, at least... no Saturday delivery and such) and REAL antique stores are far and few between, this wonderful Ebay place was willing to deliver the goods right to my door- Whoo HOO. Like I said BIG. MISTAKE.

This is ONE side of the wall... the other side has 3 more shelves... and lots more pink & green (I like that better now, rather than purple). And my dining room table?

I REALLY like it! So what do you collect?


Cottage said...

Lora, my goodness, everything is GORGEOUS! I remember last April when you were getting ready to finish the White Washing of your furniture. And it looks AMAZING!!
I love it all! LOVE how you used the green glass coupled with the Royal Albert Old Country Roses.
Keep those fabulous photos coming!

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Your house is very beautiful. That's a nice collection of carnival glass. I liked the arrangement on the walls. I got this Carnival Glass collection from my grand mother and I treasure it.